required for filing Trademark Application
1.Full name, address, and nationality of the applicant; 2.Description of the Trademark: Meaning, colors claimed, English translation or transliteration into Roman letters if necessary; 3.List of goods/services to be covered by the Trademark and class(es) of the respective goods/services to the International Classification (if known).
Documents required for filing Trademark Application 1.A Power of Attorney from the application. 2The mark sample with clarified image as a computer or a paper file. 3.Document of prize(s) awarded if mark contains the sign of prize(s) given to product bearing that mark, if any (could be filed within 03months after filling); 4.Certified copy of the first filed application, if priority should be claimed (could be filed within 03 months after filing); 5.Documents certifying the legal entity of individual if applicant is a nature person. |